Huawei has launched a new smartwatch Huawei Watch Ultimate in China. This smartwatch is not available in India yet, but the sale of this smartwatch will start in October. This smartwatch is one of the most premium Chinese manufacturer smartwatches which is made in 24K gold edition.
The smartwatch comes with many features like an AMOLED display, 530mAh battery, 14 days maximum battery life, NFC and ECG technologies, and much more. This smartwatch in China comes with a two-way Beidou-supported satellite messaging feature that gives the ability to send and receive messages in case the ground network is not available.
Users can avail this feature with a single click on the watch. To know more about this smartwatch, read the articles written below, in which you will get to see the specifications, features, prices, and much more about this watch.
The Huawei Watch Ultimate smartwatch specs and other details
The Huawei Watch Ultimate Smartwatch is the first gold smartwatch from Huawei company. It comes with a 3D trapezoidal pattern gold bezel and gold crown. It is being told that this smartwatch has been prepared through the process of diamond carving.
The Huawei Watch Ultimate Smartwatch sports a gold video with an adjustable butterfly buckle. This watch uses a Nano-Tech ceramic frame, which is made of nano-microcrystalline ceramic using over 24 processing techniques. The company has named CNC precision machining and fine engraving as some of the technologies involved in the manufacturing of the Huawei Watch Ultimate Gold Edition.
The smartwatch is 6 to 7 times harder than stainless steel, providing scratch and corrosion resistance properties. The Huawei Watch Ultimate smartwatch comes with a 1.5-inch AMOLED display with a 450 x 450 pixels resolution. This smartwatch has a refresh rate of 1 and 60Hz using LTPO backplane technology.
The Huawei Watch Ultimate smartwatch is packed with a 530mAh battery, and it gives 14 days of battery life, and with heavy use, it gives 8 days of battery life.
The Huawei Watch Ultimate smartwatch sale will start in October, but it has not been confirmed yet that the sales of this smartwatch will start from October only. It is priced at 5,999 Yuan in China.